Monk fruit a sweetener with added benefits

On my trip in Mexico I picked up a few bags of pure powdered chocolate, mostly dark. At night, I like to add a spoon to my lattes to soothe me into a deep sleep, but I was planning to use some to bake a small chocolate cake. 

While gathering all the ingredients I decided to use a new sweetener which is picking up steam among the sugar-free folks or those, like myself, who like to explore what else, and what’s new, is out there: monk fruit.

What exactly is monk fruit?

It originates from southern China, where is called “Lou Han Guo” and it has been used for quite some time in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is actually quite similar to a melon, at least from the outside, as it has a dark green color when it’s fresh. However, it spoils pretty quickly and it becomes dark brown. It is actually when it’s dry that the extract is made into a sweetener that is around 150-200 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Monk fruit is a healthy sweetener with added anti-inflammatory properties.

The best part is that it has zero calories and carbs, and does not raise the level of glucose into the blood hence no sugar crashes and it’s safe for people with diabetes. 

Personally, I have nothing against sugar per se, although I personally always opt for raw cane sugar, but never for sweeteners alternatives, because I prefer more natural solutions, and this has no side effects.

Lastly, thanks to the presence of mogrosides it has anti-inflammatory properties and in traditional Chinese medicine, has been added to hot teas to cure sore throat and other related symptoms.

Be mindful when you are looking for this sweetener in your supermarket shelves that you are picking a brand that contains only monk fruit with no mixed in sugars.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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