Pomegranate anti-aging and beyond

This beautiful ruby red color fruit is endemic to the Middle East where it bears many names from apple with many seeds to jewel of winter. Native to an area that stretched from Iran to the Himalayas, it is mentioned in many ancient eastern traditions, as it is believed to bring fortune, beauty, strength and many other good things to those who eat its seeds, known asarils, which can reach an average of 800 per fruit, packed together to form a beautiful crown with a tangy sweet taste and crunch texture. 

Beyond mythological and religious references this is a truly incredible fruit; it is beneficial in so many ways, starting from its incredible amount of antioxidants, it is also believed to have anticancer properties and to help prevent the formation of plaques in the arteries.

I personally love to buy the fresh fruits as they have such a bright color that just looking at them makes me feel good. Of course opening them up and extracting the precious arils is not quite easy, but there are plenty of youtubers who have posted their own way of opening it up and if you are up for the challenge I recommend watching this one. And don’t forget to wear an apron and a dark shirt as the stains won’t be easy to come off. I have been there myself! Alternatively you can just buy the pure juice and drink it diluted with a bit of water or aloe vera juice (that’s what I do).

Here are the main main benefits of pomegranate:

  1. To start it’s packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, particularly vitamin C, B9 (folate) and potassium.

  2. It’s rich in antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial for the skin, as they protect from free radicals and so they are anti-aging. Punicalagins, anthocyanins, and hydrolysable tannins are the main bioactive compounds of pomegranate active antioxidants.

  3. They are rich in ellagic acid which is great to promote digestion and gut health, thanks to its prebiotic effect.

  4. Thanks to punicalagins they are a great fruit to eat to prevent or lower inflammation, which, in the long run, can lead to diabetes and cancer.

  5. Along with cranberry juice is it particularly beneficial to help prevent kidney stones and fix urinary tract infections.

  6. Like beets, it also enhances endurance while exercising as it increases blood oxygen, and it helps with muscle recovery.

Of course, given all the benefits, it would be great to consume it daily, but is not always as easy to find. What is easy to find is our Berry Pomegranate organic electrolyte solution which contains both beets and pomegranate juice guaranteed to power you through your workout.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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