Nature’s most powerful antioxidant

A few days ago a friend of mine asked me what kind of supplement she can take to slow down the growth of gray hair. Although gray hair depends mostly on genetics, it also depends on the scarcity of melanin as we advance in age, in other words, it is part of the oxidative process cells go through as we get older. With that in mind, I did not hesitate to recommend something that has definitely worked for me: Astaxanthin. By far one of the most potent antioxidants available in nature, it is a xanthophyll carotenoid, part of the carotenoids family. 

What is this potent antioxidant? 

Astaxanthin is a natural pigment found in aquatic life such as algae, particularly a chlorophyta microalgae, (a green microalgae) which has the highest ability to accumulate astaxanthin, but also in fish like salmon, shrimp, trout and other marine life with a characteristic pink-orange color. It has one of the highest antioxidant capacities among the carotenoids family, stronger than Vitamin E and more active than vitamin C , as such it has many health benefits not only for the skin, but also for heart health, muscle-skeletal recovery and as an endurance booster.

I came across this antioxidant while looking for something that could protect my skin during the summer, when the sun is stronger and we tend to spend more time outdoors, and it turns out that it is actually one of the most potent sun-proofing supplements, as it can help prevent oxidative damage caused by the negative ultraviolet sunlight, like wrinkles, fine lines and sunspots. Of course, long and repeated hours under the sun should be avoided at all costs, but taking this supplement can greatly stimulate melanin production and avoid hyperpigmentation, those darker patches of skin that can appear pretty much all over our body after prolonged sun exposure, you can take my word for it!

Despite Astaxanthin not having any pro-vitamin A activity, which means that the body doesn’t transform this carotenoid into vitamin A, a vitamin responsible for a plethora of critical functions such eyes and organs health but also immunity, its potency comes from its higher ability, compared to other carotenoids, to extinguish what is known as singlet oxygen, the oxygen molecule that is the main culprit of cellular degeneration and aging.  

Astaxanthin is a valuable ally against harmful UV rays and aging.

Its antioxidant properties are also critical in fighting skin-related inflammation caused by an abnormal immune response as it is the case in pathologies like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. In fact, while exposure to harmful sun rays increases inflammatory markers, astaxanthin seems to positively reduce the inflammation by significantly decreasing oxidation. 

Furthermore, this powerful carotenoid promotes skin health by hampering collagenase, the enzymes that degrade collagen fibers and elastin, and the main cause of photoaging, making it a powerful ally against wrinkles and fine lines. 

Astaxanthin has proven to greatly boost immunity, lowering the chances of skin malignancies, like melanoma, by activating natural killer (NK) cells that patrol the immune system for signs of tumors and virus-infected cells with the potential of fighting off immunosuppression driven by UV rays. 

Lastly, when taken before a workout astaxanthin can promote the use of lipids instead of glucose increasing stamina and increase fat consumption boosting metabolism.

When taking astaxanthin it is important to remember that it is fat-soluble, which means that in order to be absorbed by the body it needs to be taken with food, particularly dietary oils, like olive oil, in order to enhance its absorption.

After learning just a few of the great properties of astaxanthin you might not be surprised why I like it so much. That’s why I was very excited to know that one of my most reliable brands, Semaine, has come up with a supplement for skin, hair and nails whose main ingredient is astaxanthin. 

Try it and let us know what you think!


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