How to improve your metabolism by eating these foods
Have you ever noticed how some foods are easy to digest and make you feel light and energized while others make you feel bloated and lethargic, and even affect your mood? Sugars, processed foods are not only hard for our organisms to digest, but they also greatly affect the way we feel after we eat them. And it’s not just the guilt effect, but it's truly a chemical reaction on our brain cells. Personally I love pancakes, but when I do have them I use only organic ingredients and I usually mix whole wheat with almond flour substituting simple with complex carbs for easy digestion.
There is a wide variety of foods that can stimulate your metabolism and help you burn calories.
A concern of many - and it certainly is one of mine - is what to eat to boost my metabolic rate. The good news is that there are a bunch of foods that really help stimulate the metabolic process. Let’s look at which foods and why.
Protein rich foods - fish, white meat, nuts, legumes, seeds - because they use a lot of energy to digest, they actually boost your metabolism, they are responsible for what is known as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). TEF refers to the amount of calories your body takes to process, absorb and digest food. Also by eating protein you will keep the muscles’ mass.
Coffee - in moderation - can help burn fat and transform it into energy.
Add iron and selenium to your diet as they stimulate your thyroid - but do a check up about the thyroid before adding more of those minerals!
Ginger - which I personally love - dissolved in water can give a big kick to your metabolism and helps burn calories, especially if consumed during a meal.
Matcha - or green tea - increases fat oxidation and helps you burn calories.
Consuming just as little as 2 mg of chili peppers (1 chili pepper) not only increases metabolic rate and helps in reducing calories from carbs.
Eating legumes help you burn calories and contain a good amount of fiber which can also increase the digestive bacteria in your gut.
The good old ACV - apple cider vinegar - has been found to break down fats, but make sure you dilute it in water to protect your stomach lining.
Consuming seaweed can stimulate the thyroid because of its iodine content which is critical to produce thyroid hormone. Also brown seaweed contains a compound known as Fucoxanthin which has proved to stimulate metabolism.
Lastly, drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest ways to improve your metabolism. Just adding a pouch of organic electrolytes to your water can help you get the minerals you need for that extra kick. Faster and smoother digestion also help our bodies get more energy.
Try it and let us know what you think!