Oxidative Stress impacts the health of your Skin

You might already be familiar with the term free radicals, those molecules containing oxygen that are responsible for large-chain chemical reactions in your body, but do you know what is oxidative stress and how it impacts your skin? 

To make it very simple free radicals are very unstable molecules so, to become stable they have to grab the electrons from healthy molecules: that's when the oxidation process starts. However, it's not as bad it sounds. In fact, a low number of free radicals is helpful to fight infections, but when the number is too high for our body to control them, and make good use of them, the result is oxidative stress.

Normal cellular metabolism along with environmental factors - such as pollution, X-rays from the sun or cigarette smoke - all contribute to the creation of more free radicals and as a result to the oxidative process

But why should you care about all this? Because Oxidative Stress is one of the main reasons behind skin aging.

Our body (through enzymes and other substances) is already designed to fight the proliferation of oxidative stress and helps us keep the balance in favor of the antioxidants, but our environment or our dietary habits greatly affect this balance. Eventually our skin starts sagging and losing texture, while wrinkles and fine lines start showing up. 

What can we do about that?

Things that are within our control, such as our dietary and lifestyle habits, are a relatively easy one. Here are a few things you can do about it:

  1. If you smoke, try quitting. That’s a biggie for your skin.

  2. Wear sunscreen regularly, even in winter.

  3. Consume more antioxidant-rich foods. This will help with the outer and the inner layer of your skin. Antioxidants = (you know it already :)) veggies, fruits and oil rich nuts, but also whole grains. When in season, load up on Pomegranate. The seeds are a boon for your skin as they nor only protect your skin against UVB rays but also affect your skin microbiome.

  4. Reduce your level of stress. Be more mindful and take long breaths. Also add some meditation to your daily habits.

  5. Have a good night sleep. Which means eat lightly at night and drink more water and less booze.

Semaine Health supplements can help lower stress and make your skin glow healthy and supple.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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