Real nut-milk with just one ingredient

Brand: Joi

As a lover of plantbase milks I am always on the lookout for the brand that has the lowest number and the cleanest ingredients. In fact, if you take a closer look at the ingredients you will notice that there are a lot of other things that go into your plantbase milk other than nuts. Actually, sometimes, there are very few nuts and more stuff like emulsifiers and preservatives. In Joi there are no nonsense ingredients: it comes in a paste and you can decide how intense you want your milk to be. Joi offers 3 bases and a powder: the instant organic oat milk in powder, an almond and a cashew paste, with an organic version for both the almond and the cashew, and a hemp base. What’s more? It’s ready in less than a minute so you can control the amount you are making. The almond and cashew come in glass jars that you can easily recycle. More jars less cartons! 

Plant-based milk with just one ingredient.

Why you should give it a shot

This is one of those products that once you have tried them you can’t go back. It’s the perfect solution: halfway through making your own nut milk from scratch or buying a ready-made one with all sorts of additives like gum, seaweed (which can cause gut inflammation) and sugar. Joi Milk bases contains only one ingredient: nuts. A 15 ounces jar yields 7 quarts. Basically, you just need one spoon per cup of water, or more, according to how thick or liquidy you want it. Blend it for 30 seconds and voila! It may seem expensive, but if you really want to use only the real stuff you should go for it. It’s all in the jar! I love it and add it to my sweet and savory recipes.

Start your new plant-base milk routine today by using the discount code VIVALISSIMO and get 10% off your purchase.


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