Why you should care about Bioavailability

The concept of high absorbability is tightly connected to that of bioavailability and it is a very important concept to understand also when it comes to supplements and vitamins. The food we eat travels through our digestive system and only some nutrients are able to reach the bloodstream, where they are either stored or used by our cells; some other gets destroyed by powerful stomach acids. On the other end, a vitamin administered intravenously is 100% bioavailable as it immediately reaches the bloodstream, but does it go where it is supposed to? 

The question we want to answer is simply: are the supplements we are taking reaching their target goal or are we simply flushing money - especially in the case of supplements - down the drain? The answer varies from person to person, according to how fast our metabolism works, if we have any gut inflammation or any other issues that may compromise bioavailability. 

Bioavailability measures how well our body absorbs and uses a specific nutrient in the targeted body part. For example, Magnesium citrate is more easily absorbed than magnesium sulfate; Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin so in order for our bodies to be able to absorb it we need to take it with a meal. Some vitamins like calcium and iron need to be taken a few hours apart as calcium slows the absorption of iron, while Vitamin C improves its absorption.

The bottom line is when taking supplements, vitamins and any smoothie mix with superfoods and adaptogens make sure the ingredients are actually binding together in an efficient way: look beyond an attractive packaging and make sure the ingredients are highly absorbable, or bioavailable. This way you can avoid wasting money.

I sometimes don’t feel like washing, peeling and chopping but I am concerned that a smoothie mix is not very well thought through. I am personally a big fan of Tusol smoothies, they have just the right amount of protein, enzymes and superfoods which combine well together to be highly absorbable.

Try them and let us know if they work for you!


What are Pre and Probiotics good for?


Distress with alternate-nostril breathing