Distress with alternate-nostril breathing

After many years spent on earth, it is pretty clear by now that we cannot control external events or, for that matter, we cannot control anything other than ourselves and the way we react, or choose to react, to the world around us.

For example when you feel that stressful events are taking the best of you, making you anxious, and age faster, you can choose to carve out some time for yourself. You don’t need much, trust us!

This simple breathing technique will get you away from all of it for just enough time to regroup and recharge.

Alternate-nostril breathing is a simple breathing technique that can help calm your mind.

This is probably one of the most effective breathing techniques to melt away stress, which I practice daily, and only takes 10 minutes of your time to be effective, is the alternate-nostril breathing (or nadi shodhana). As the name suggests you breathe alternating the opening and closing of your nostrils. 

It’s super simple and super effective. You can practice it anywhere, as long as you are in a seated position, on a chair or on the floor. I usually put a thick pillow underneath my sitting bones to be more comfortable and be more elevated. Ready?

Here is what to do…

  1. Place your hand in front of your face, bending your pointer and middle fingers into your palm, while leaving your thumb, ring, and pinky fingers extended.

  2. Close your eyes and gently gaze downward..

  3. Clear your breathing pathways by gently inhaling and exhaling.

  4. Then, start by blocking your right nostril with your thumb and inhaling through the left nostril.

  5. Close off your left nostril with your ring finger and open and exhale through your right.

  6. Proceed to inhale from your right nostril while blocking off your left nostril.

  7. Then close off the right and release from the left nostril.

  8. Repeat alternating as described above for at least 10 minutes.

Be gentle! You are working towards calming your brain by regaining control over your breathing. 

How does this work? Simply put, it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, lowering cortisol levels and activating the rest and digest response. We will dig deeper into this topic soon, for now, try this technique for at least a month and see how it makes you feel.

Regaining control of your emotions by lowering stress is important to be fully functional. Take time to do so. It’s important for your happiness and the people around you.

The extend the benefits of my practice I usually cozy up to a warm Calming Latte with powerful adaptogens like reishi, ashwagandha and cocoa.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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