A cup of water (with lemon) a day keeps the derm away
Everyone likes to have some rituals that keep them grounded no matter where they are or what is their schedule. I have one, and I try to keep it even when I am traveling.
Water with lemon, particularly warm water as a first drink, is very hydrating thanks to lemon natural electrolytes.
The first thing I do every morning - after brushing my teeth and cleaning my tongue (I will talk about this ritual in another post) - is making a warm cup of water with lemon. It’s very simple and very effective. I usually use the juice of half a lemon and mix it with some warm water in a cup. It works very well to prepare my body for the rest of the day, it rehydrates it after a night of sleep and gives you energy. Simply put, it has become one of those rituals I do without even thinking.
Some suggest it’s good enough to just drink a glass of water, and that’s true, but adding lemon to it and making it warm is a totally different experience. Why? Because lemon contains electrolytes and warm water helps with digestion.
Lemons are top of mind when it comes to replenishing electrolytes reserves. This citrus is in fact rich in many important minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are critical especially when working out or just going about your daily activities.
By drinking this simple elixir you will balance pH levels and get a boost of vitamin C, which is not only a boon for your immune system but critical for a healthy and glowy skin.
Drinking plenty of water is a good habit to gain and you will see the effects on your skin in no time. I personally like to keep hydrated all day long and that’s why I slip just a stick of Cure electrolytes in a big bottle of water. It’s organic, it’s tasty and makes it easy to keep up with my hydration goal, but above all it’s filled with other important elements you need to get energized.
Try it and let us know what you think!