Mood Swings? These little things can help

Sometimes we get out of bed and we are ready to conquer the world, sometimes not so much; every little thing annoys us. Sometimes there is no tangible reason, it’s just us. Better, it’s our brain chemicals. And in some cases, they are driven by our hormones. Just look at teenagers and how moody they are: that’s very likely due to hormonal changes which send their brain haywire.These same hormonal fluctuation that happens during or around the period and can cause us swinging moods. In case of severe and prolonged mood swings it is important to consult a mental health specialist, but a few lifestyle changes can go a long way.. 

First, let’s look at a a few things that may affect our mood so that we can address those first:

    1. Diet: Food is chemistry. Those chemicals have a major impact on our brain. For example, eating processed foods and sweets cause blood sugar to soar up and crash down rapidly. This causes irritability and lethargy. Complex carbs, on the other end, are critical for our brain to work properly (brown rice, barley, quinoa), but also fruits and vegetables and they also give us long lasting energy. It is important to have a proper diet for our brain to function properly. Addressing that is critical for our mood.

    2. Minerals and vitamins: low levels of zinc, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and iron, are associated with low energy and worse moods.

    3. Not eating enough. That’s also a cause of irritability. Our brain needs fuel to work and, exactly like a car, it needs special fuel to work smoothly.

    4. Exercise. I can’t think of the last time a day passed when I did not exercise. And I do it mostly for my mood. It doesn’t have to be strenuous, like cross fit or running at a high speed: walking counts as exercise too. Gentle exercise like yoga or pilates does wonders for your brain as it releases endorphins which boost your mood and lower anxiety.

    5. Meditation. It’s a growing trend and that’s a good one. Sitting down in a quiet space, closing your eyes for just 10 minutes and just breathing is incredibly beneficial to restore the brain neural links, particularly those that are directly connected to anxiety, increasing positive feelings.

    6. Sleep. Both excess sleeping and lack of sleep can cause you to feel irritable, but quality of sleep is equally important to feel rested. Avoid eating heavy meals at night and 2 hours before bed. End the day with a chamomile tea.

Those are a few things you should look into that can greatly affect your mood. Hormonal imbalances are also affected by diet, exercise, sleep and lack of certain chemicals like magnesium and zinc. That’s why I make sure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday, drink plenty of water, with pre and probiotics as gut health can greatly affect mood.

And I fill up with all those minerals and vitamins that are essential for balancing hormones with Semaine because they have it all, including ashwagandha, which is an incredibly beneficial herb to calm the brain.

Try it and let us know what you think!


Foods for energy and focus


A cup of water (with lemon) a day keeps the derm away