Benefits of adding electrolytes to your water

We always hear about the benefits of drinking at least a liter of water a day. It keeps our internal organs healthy and our skin hydrated and plump. Not all waters are equal, the mineral content varies: some are harder than others due to the presence of more calcium and magnesium, some are softer as they contain less of those two minerals. Everyone has their preferences and it’s not just marketing, every bottled water as well as every filter, or tap, water, does taste different. 

Until recently I had to buy bottled water, but thankfully that’s no longer the case, my fridge comes with a filter which makes the water taste great. Although I did not yet analyze the mineral content it does the job and quenches my thirst. However, as I exercise regularly I also like to add electrolytes to my water.

What are electrolytes and what is their purpose?

Electrolytes are essential minerals which are already present in trace amounts in most tap water or bottled water, mostly calcium and magnesium, sodium and little potassium. As the name suggests, when those minerals are dissolved in water, they conduct electricity which helps our body perform important functions: they help our muscles contract, including our heart; they regulate blood pressure; they control our body fluids; and they help keep a balanced blood acidity (pH). 

Although electrolytes should be taken only when we are going to be active, this is not limited to physical activity, when we are going to lose essential mineral by sweating, but also during the summer months, when it’s hot and we are spending time outdoors, and when we have a busy day that requires us to be very focus. I personally like to start my day with a hot cup of water with lemon to hydrate my body first thing in the morning and kick off the day with some electrolytes. I also drink them all day long especially when I am working out.

Benefits of electrolytes

Drinking electrolytes infused water can keep our mind sharp all day long.

Popular power drinks contain various amounts of charged electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and chloride. Magnesium is important for muscle and nerve function, calcium is critical for bone health, sodium helps with both muscle function as well as to regulate our blood acidity potassium, and chloride helps with regulating body fluids, but also in the production of stomach acid. 

However, some of those drinks are also high in sugar and that’s why it is good to go through the label and select the cleanest form of electrolytes. Because of the long list of ingredients I have always been reluctant in drinking big brands sports, but I was always looking for an all organic electrolyte drink to power me through my daily fitness routine. 

Finally, when searching for something I can add to my water I came across Cure. The founder had the very same concerns I had about commercial power drinks and so she came up with a solution that is as clean as it gets, with zero sugar and mostly electrolyte from lemon, pink Himalayan salt and coconut water.  

Try it and let us know what you think!


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