Relax and boost immunity with Reishi

Adaptogenic mushrooms have seen quite a surge in popularity in the past few years due to their many properties. Unlike “magic mushrooms" they do not alter perception and take you into a different dimension, but they do have an all round calming effect helping reduce stress and uplifting the spirit.

Although there are many systems in our body that control the stress response, adaptogenic mushrooms act on one of the main culprits by helping it reach homeostasis, or balance: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis).  In fact, the HPA axis is responsible for releasing stress hormones such as cortisol, which increases in response to stress lowering levels of brain serotonin, a very important mood stabilizer, and epinephrine. 

There are around five adaptogenic mushrooms which are increasingly found in many nutraceutical products not only for their stress reducing properties but also for their effect on enhancing immunity, increasing focus and clarity and even boosting metabolism and muscle recovery: Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga and Turkey Tail. 

Reishi has many benefits, like boosting immunity and mood.

Here we will focus on Reishi, whose scientific name is Ganoderma lucidum, that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine where it is called the “mushroom of immortality”. Reishi belongs to the family of polypore, a type of mushroom that grows on the trunk of trees and has a particular woody taste, shiny surface and distinctive brown-reddish color.  

A plethora of health benefits have been attributed to Reishi from immunity enhancer, to metabolism stimulant to mood booster. In fact, thanks to its high antioxidants and beta-glucan compounds Reishi can lower stress driven brain and body inflammation, boosting brain function, but also stimulate metabolism and improve blood sugar levels. 

More specifically, beta-glucan compounds, a type of dietary fiber, which can be also found in oats, barley and rye, is responsible to slow down the flux of food going through the intestine decreasing the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream and increasing the feeling of satiety. These compounds can also boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are responsible to fight infections. 

Aside from its anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting properties, Reishi can alleviate stress and fatigue and even boost mood. A study conducted on patients affected by fibromyalgia has shown this mushroom ability to lower pain and increase hours and quality of sleep

If you like mushroom texture there are a variety of ways to incorporate reishi into your diet, you can add them to soups or grill them, and if you don’t mind their woody taste you can even brew them and make a herbal tea. Alternatively you can find them in supplement or powder form that you can easily add to your smoothies and lattes. 

Tusol Calming Latte combines the perfect trifecta of Cacao, Ashwagandha and Reishi promoting calm and easing sleep. I usually sip mine before bed or anytime I need some relaxation. 

Try it and let us know what you think!


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