Destress and rebalance with Ashwagandha

There are many moments when for no apparent reason (or for many that happen all together) stress can take a toll on us and it makes us spin like a vortex into so many directions. When moments - or long periods - like that happen to me I usually sit back, take a long deep breath and reflect on the reasons why I am feeling that way. While looking for more natural ways of rebalancing my spirit I found that a remedy that never disappoints is in an ancient root widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. 

I came across ashwagandha some time ago while researching natural solutions to destress and aid with sleep. Melatonin is what is mostly recommended for insomnia, but it doesn’t always do the trick for me especially when I travel across time zones. This is because there are many different reasons for sleep deprivation and most have to do with worries (legitimate and non) and its byproduct: anxiety. 

What is Ashwagandha and what are its benefits?

Ashwagandha, which in Sanskrit means “smell of the horse” not only for its distinctive scent, but also because it increases energy and focus, is perhaps the most known adaptogen out there and it truly helps adapt and cope with stress lowering cortisol levels and have as a result having a positive effect on the skin. 

Native to the Southern East Asian region, this powerful adaptogen has been used for centuries for its calming properties, but also as a fertility tonic for men.

Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda because of its incredible stress relieving and calming properties.

As a calming solution it helps the body regulate stress response that causes high cortisol levels, which are also often resulting in skin breakouts, but it also controls the activity of another very important stress center, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Studies have shown that taking up to 240 mg of Ashwagandha daily for a period of 2 months can significantly reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality and lower anxiety. 

Ashwagandha is also very helpful when it comes to improving cognitive health as in memory, attention and the speed of processing information. In fact, one of the compounds of Ashwagandha, known as Withaferin A, has shown to have antioxidant effects on the brain. 

Lastly, it can enhance athletic performance by increasing what is known as maximum oxygen consumption, which is an indicator of heart and lungs fitness: the higher the value the lower the risk of heart diseases. Furthermore, if you are practicing resistance training, as little as 600 mg daily can increase muscle mass.

As you can see it is truly a miracle root and has become my go-to remedy for all those moments when I feel anxiety is taking a toll and, as my closest friends know, I recommend it without reservations when someone tells me they are anxious, have trouble sleeping or simply the need to relax and declutter their mind.

One of my favorite products from Semaine contains ashwagandha along with many powerful adaptogens. This wonderful supplement has changed my life for the better: no more PMS symptoms and period cramps.

As always, consult your doctor before taking anything new as it may interfere with existing medications. 

Try it and let us know how you feel!


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