Empty your mind with R.E.S.T.

Have you ever tried a Sensory Deprivation experience? It is absolutely one of my favorite things to indulge in every now and then especially if I am coming home from a long flight and I have to deal with jet-lag or if I am going through some insomnia.

What is a flotation tank or pod?

It is a very futuristic looking oval-shaped bathtub with a round roof top that closes to allow for full privacy and a womb-like feeling. It is filled with warm weather and epsom salts to allow for a specific type of gravity which allows the body to float. A small flotation device, looking like a halo, is provided to keep the head up while allowing the neck to relax.

floating sensory deprivation

Sensory deprivation relaxes the mind and the magnesium salts detox the skin.

This mix of warm water and Epsom salts has so many benefits, first, and foremost, it relaxes the mind by taking it away from whatever thoughts are running wild.; second, the magnesium sulfate is great for the skin. This gel-like solution of water and Epsom salt creates buoyancy and feels like a gelatinous warm lotion.

This mineral is particularly good if you are looking to reduce inflammation and aid the skin detoxification process. It has been used since the 17th century as it relieves muscles from soreness, exfoliates the skin, which is also why it is present in many skincare products, and naturally balances the skin’s natural oils. 

The experience of being inside a pod, which contains a body of water just one foot deep heated at body temperature, has a pretty apt acronym REST, which stands for restricted environmental stimulation therapy. It was introduced in the mid ‘50s by an American neuroscientist and physician who was interested in the mental health benefits of cutting off stimulus and recreating a womb-like experience. 

And if you are a little claustrophobic don’t worry the pod (or tank) is pretty spacious and has a high round roof which allows for plenty of space. You will feel cozy and comfortable, but not restricted and encapsulated and you will have plenty of space to float around.

I personally enjoy taking a break from the noise of the outside world and reaching a deeper level of relaxation, it’s like meditating lulled by warm waters and in some cases it even comes with the option of having some gentle music, ranging from Deep Sleep to Guided Meditation, and soft lights. 

If you are looking for something to relax you deeply but also relieve sore muscles and transport you into another dimension flotation therapy might be something worth trying.

I usually follow my floating experience with a cup of warm calming latte with adaptogens like ashwagandha and reishi to extend the calming effect of REST.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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