Balance your hormones with Seed Cycling
You might be new to the term, but Seed Cycling is quickly picking up steam among women who are looking for more natural ways to regulate their hormones. In fact, as more women are coming to the realization that many of their issues, not only skin related, may be due to their hormones being off balance, they are also reaching out for solutions that are more natural.
The reasons hormones may be out of balance are vast and complex, but, like with everything else, we can start with whatever we have readily available and go from there. Diet, exercise, sleep quality, stress levels and environmental factors are a good place to start. Listening to our bodies and seeing what works for us, as it may be different than what is happening to our friends, is a first fundamental step.
For example, if you are tired all the time, you have irregular periods, you have thyroid problems, PMS, cramps, endometriosis or PCOS, the answer may be found in your hormones. That’s why seed cycling may be something worth experimenting with. I use the word experimenting because, like many natural practices, there are no scientific studies, so you will have to rely on the observation of your own body. As with any naturopathic remedy, the results will be visible over time, and not overnight.
This very simple practice relies on two things: 4 kinds of widely available seeds and knowing your cycle.
All you need is to know is the length of your cycle - when it starts and when it ends, and if your periods are irregular, just follow the moon. If that sounds crazy remember that the moon is incredibly powerful, affecting the waves of the ocean as well as our center of gravity and menstrual cycle. Hint: the menstrual cycle and the moon cycle are both 28 days.
Let’s look into the details, so you can go out and get what you need from your grocery store.
As you probably already know there are two main phases to your menstrual cycle - which is usually 28 days - the first 14 days is the Follicular phase, while the second half is called Luteal phase. If your hormones are balanced the first phase is associated with an increase in the level of estrogen and the second with an increase in the levels of progesterone. When that doesn't happen you have the usual PMS, cramps, acne, short or non existent periods. Every woman cycle has a different length so you need to calculate yours to be able to take the right seeds for each phase.
The seeds for this practice are Sunflower, Flex, Pumpkin and Sesame. Easy right? Surely you must have passed them at your supermarket aisle a million times and now you know how to make the best of them to rebalance your hormones.
During the first 1 - 14 days - which corresponds to the Menstrual to the Ovulation period - you should take 1 to 2 spoons of Pumpkin and Flax seeds - the last one especially should be grounded else your body will expel them through your digestive system. You can use a pepper grinder or a mortar if you have one, alternatively you can buy them already grind.
During the second phase 15 - 28 - which corresponds to the Ovulation to Menstruation phase - you should take 1 to 2 spoons of Sunflowers and Sesame seeds, which you can simply chew.
If you are following the moon the first phase - 1 - 14 days - goes from the new moon to the full moon, while the second phase - 15 - 28 days - goes from the full moon to the new moon.
Seed Cycling is something worth trying if you suffer from hormonal imbalances.
Why those seeds?
Because the nutritional elements in Pumpkin and Flax seeds regulate the level of estrogen during the first phase, while Sesame and Sunflower regulate progesterone production during the second phase.
More accurately, the lignans in flax seeds lower estrogen levels while the zinc in pumpkin increases progesterone production as you cycle through the next phase; sesame contains both zinc and lignans, which are critical for the second phase, while sunflower seeds contain both vitamin E as well as selenium, which boost progesterone levels and help detox the liver.
Aside from just eating the seeds on their own as I love their taste I sometime opt to incorporate them in a salad.
Maintaining hormonal balance is critical for your overall health, your mood and happiness, as much as it is for your good looks. Taking specific supplements daily and during your period can help you navigate through the month in a better state of mind: Semaine Health has come up with two adaptogens-filled supplements just for that.
Try it and let us know what you think!