Spark your synapsis with Green Tea
A few years ago when I was still a student in New York City I started doing some acupuncture sessions. One of the things I learned from my acupuncturist is that my afternoon slumps, at around 3pm, were due to my kidneys and liver doing their filtering job at that time of the day. As I couldn't afford napping she recommended subbing my coffee for green tea to fight the slump. So I did, and she was absolutely right. I felt fresh and more energetic without being anxious and jittery.
Aside from giving you a burst of energy, green tea is filled with antioxidants, namely polyphenols, plant compounds that fight oxidative stress, lower the chances of inflammation, and slow down the aging process. The polyphenols in green tea are called catechins, the most abundant being EGCG, short for epigallocatechin gallate, which carry an enormous amount of antioxidants that can help with more simple conditions like weight management to more serious ones like stroke, Parkisons and Altzeimer’s. The same compound, part of the flavonoid family, also has anti-inflammatory properties that have also shown to prevent the proliferation of free radicals and cancer cells.
Although green tea also contains caffeine, what really sparks brain synapsis (electrical impulses) is a compound called L-theanine, an amino acid which activates the GABA receptors (neurotransmitters) in the brain increasing alertness and focus, making green tea particularly beneficial during those brain-fog moments.
A potential benefit of green tea is its ability to break down fat, which, along with exercises, can help keep the weight in check and the heart healthy. In fact, the catechins in green tea bind with lipids (fats) inhibiting their absorption in the intestine and lowering what is known as bad cholesterol or LDL.
So, if you are looking for an alternative to coffee that can freshen you up during those gloomy winter afternoons when all you want is to slip into bed, or simply change your morning routine, green tea might be what you are looking for.
Try it and let us know what you think!