Detox and relax with a steam bath

Another week has started in full swing and, as the day comes to an end, one of the ways I like to wind down and relax is definitely a steam bath. It relaxes the muscles, detoxes my body and flushes out all the toxins that I have accumulated during the day, and equally important, takes my mind away from my surroundings. 

While I enjoy both the sauna and the steam room, I have a stronger preference for the latter as the humidity makes my dry skin softer and moist. I usually set it at 118F (around 45C) and spend an average of 20 minutes in it. To reap even more benefits I add a few drops of eucalyptus which makes it even more enjoyable.

Steam baths are a long held tradition in most countries because of their many benefits on the overall health.

What are the benefits of a steam bath?

  1. It is very moisturizing and detoxing for the skin. By opening up the pores and making the trapped toxins come out to the surface the body eliminates them through condensation, lowering the chances of breakouts. The result is a cleaner and more elastic skin.

  2. After working out it aids with muscle soreness. Heat penetrates the skin, but heated steam penetrates it at an even deeper layer than the dry heat from the sauna, speeding up the rehabilitation time.

  3. It helps you burn calories by keeping the heart rate elevated after a workout. However, what you lose in the steam (or sauna) is mostly water weight, so you need to replace it by drinking more water.

  4. Hydrotherapy is great for the immune system as it stimulates infection-fighting cells known as leukocytes. As soon as I feel like I am coming down with a cold my first go-to remedy is a steam bath with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. By doing it regularly you will also prevent colds and flu.

  5. It’s of great help for your cardiovascular system, improving circulation, lowering blood pressure and healing wounds faster.

  6. For those who suffer from high blood pressure research has shown that sitting in a steam room helps your body release aldosterone, a hormone which (up to a certain level) reduces blood pressure. That’s why during a session you feel more relaxed.

The steam room has indeed many benefits and it is particularly beneficial for skin health, however, it is very important to keep hydrated especially after a bath. Electrolyte filled drinks, like Cure, can help replenish and restore the lost minerals and make your skin shine. 

Try it and let us know what you think!


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