Let’s talk about saddlebags!

Probably one of the issues that affects most women after cellulite is that adipose tissue attached to the side of the legs also known as saddlebags. 

What are saddlebags and what can we do about it?

Saddlebags are the result of many factors, from more controllable to less controllable ones. Genetics plays a role in where fat accumulates in our body and it is definitely one of the least controllable factors since we cannot pick our genes. However, what we can choose is the kind and quantity of food that we eat. 

Here is where the concept of calories deficit plays a major role. In fact, despite the fact that we cannot lose weight in a particular area of our body by losing it overall we are more likely to get rid of fat deposits located all over our body. Losing weight has to be done gradually and through a combination of diet and exercise; calories deficit can be done by doing more exercise or eating less or both. Only a combination of the two can help us achieve a sustainable and desirable result.

Getting rid of saddlebags requires a multifaceted approach.

Don’t expect things to happen overnight, especially if you are looking for lasting results. A change in diet is advisable also for our overall health. What kind of diet and eating habits can help lose body fat, especially the stubborn one? 

  1. Mindful eating and portion control. Savor every bite, chewing slowly so that your brain has time to register the feeling of satiety. This will also lead to naturally eating less, which translates into portion control.

  2. Incorporate nutrient dense foods into your diet. For example foods that have less calories and more nutrients like black or brown rice instead of white rice, salmon, chicken and lean meat or chickpeas and beans if you are vegan.

  3. Drink more water and less of, possibly none, carbonated drinks or with high sugar content, including freshly squeezed juices, which do have lots of, albeit natural, sugar and, of course, no alcohol. 

Although a proper diet plays a major role in getting rid of stubborn fat, there is no way we can get rid of saddlebags without exercising. Yes, there are many exercises that claim to focus on the saddlebag and get rid of them in less than a month, but… drum roll… it’s not possible! First of all, it takes longer than that, at least a couple of months, so don’t despair, is not you, it’s just an impossible goal. Second, focus on building muscles on the overall upper leg: glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. This is truly the only way to get rid of saddlebags: working on the whole leg muscles and not just the external side of the leg. By lifting the glutes, which involves different kinds of exercises, you will also get rid of the saddlebags. Mixing cardio and strength exercises can do the job!


Mixing strength and cardio exercises can help get rid of localized fat.

Another important factor in fat distribution is hormonal changes. In fact, as we age or if we take hormonal contraceptives we alter the estrogen levels, which can cause us to accumulate fat in the abdominal area, legs and hips. A way to balance the hormones naturally is by taking Semaine Health which has 3 types of supplements specifically designed to address hormonal imbalances. 

Massaging the area before and during the shower can help too. Dry brushing, which involves massaging the area with a brush with no oils of water, can help stimulate the lymphatic system and eliminate toxins through the urine. If done properly it should leave you with a tingling feeling that can last for a few minutes as your blood rushes through the area. 

Getting rid of localized fat is possible, but it requires tackling it from multiple angles from exercise, to diet, to massages, and sustain it after you have achieved the desired results.

In case you are one of those who struggle to drink a lot of water, adding an electrolyte solution like Cure, which is sweetened with coconut sugar, can help you achieve your daily water goal.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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