Stimulate the lymphatic system with dry brushing

I always try every trick in the book to make my skin feel and look great, but of course I am no stranger to cellulite. Diet and exercises are critical, as without paying attention to those, unless you are blessed with incredible genes, it’s very unlikely that your skin is going to withstand the test of time. As we age the telomeres (the end of our chromosomes) shorten and, as a result of that, the skin loses tone and elasticity. It is important to drink plenty of water and feed our bodies with fresh food, fibers, vitamins and minerals. All of that will contribute to decelerating the natural aging process. 

Cellulite is often the result of genetics, lifestyle and hormonal imbalances. During the menstrual period we feel more bloated than usual, that’s because estrogen levels are on the rise and that causes water retention. So it would be wise to adjust our diet accordingly, for example eating certain kind of seeds that can help control the level of estrogen, like flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, as proponents of seed cycling recommend (and I do).

Retinol and scrubs can also have an effect on the appearance of that dimply skin known as cellulite, but what else can we do to stimulate the lymphatic system? One thing that does it for me, and I do it every other day, if not every day, because it’s simple and inexpensive is dry brushing

Let’s look into what it is and how it works so you can try it as well. 

Dry brushing involves a bristled brush, with stiff bristles, preferably natural, like sisal or boar, make sure the label says it’s natural and it doesn't leave any marks on your skin. It’s not supposed to be harsh, just a gentle exfoliation and stimulation of the blood flow.

Once you have picked the brush, you can add an oil to make it even more pleasant, just a few drops will do. I usually go for jojoba or argan oil, but you can also go for geranium or coconut. 

Simply start by massaging your legs, hips, buttock and arms, with gentle strokes moving upward from your ankle to your tights, straight or in circular motions. I usually dry brush before jumping in the shower as brushing gets rid of dead skin cells that are washed off by the shower.

Stimulating the lymphatic system with dry brushing is very beneficial and it almost replicates the feeling you have after a nice massage. That said, we can’t stress enough how critical it is that you have a proper diet if you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Also, add a hormone balancing supplement to your diet, like The Daily and PMS, which contain only natural ingredients including powerful adaptogens.

Try it and let us know what you think!


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