A few tips to get your body and mind working at their best.
Indoor greenery comes with many benefits
Aside from getting rid of carbon dioxide and other harmful airborne pollutants, plants have been proven to boost mood, improve concentration and lower stress levels.
The importance of Deep Sleep
Of the four sleep phases the Deep Sleep one is critical for our cells regeneration as well as our immunity. If you feel drowsy and lack energy you may be not getting enough of it.
Settle your mind with the Glitter Jar meditation
This simple mindfulness techniques can be truly helpful when feeling stressed. It involves no physical jar just an imaginary one where you visualize your thoughts flowing away like glitter.
Soak up in the sun for mood and metabolism
Circadian rhythm is our own natural body clock and it is controlled by what sleep experts call circadian pacemaker located in the brain pineal gland. It is greatly affected by exposure to natural sunlight.
The many benefits of walking
Whenever possible, especially if you feel stressed, try to go for a walk outdoors. Just 10 minutes of brisk walking can be very beneficial for the cardiovascular system and the mind.
Are you feeling the Spring Slump?
During the Spring, like with other seasonal changes, our bodies have to adapt to longer days and a different rhythm. if you feel particularly lethargic it’s probably due to seasonal hormonal change.
Release stress with Lion’s breath
One of my absolute favorites to calm down and regroup with myself is Lion’s breath. It’s very simple, takes only 10 minutes of your time, and can be done anywhere.
Take some YOU time for R&R
Stress is the leading cause of oxidation, which makes us age faster, and has a huge impact on our ability to enjoy life simple pleasures. That's why taking some time to be alone and relax is critical.
Distress with alternate-nostril breathing
This simple breathing technique will get you away from all of it for just enough time to regroup and recharge and it only takes 10 minutes of your time to be effective.